India February 2020
Photo Workshop Adventures with Michael Chinnici

Dehli, India: Gurudwara Bangla Sahib Temple Food Kitchen:

This was pretty amazing, there is a Sikh temple in Delhi, they have made it part of their mission to feed and help the community. They serve between 10,000 and 20,000 meals a day EVERY day, 24 hours a day.. Not just to the homeless, but to anyone that comes in. No questions asked. Everyone sits together as a community and eats together. Its all run completely by volunteers and donations.

Here is an article a few years old about the temple and the service.

Streets of Dehli, India February 2020

Delhi, India Independence Day Celebration

A slum is defined as an area that is not suitable for habitation. According to google 1.2 million of the 22 million people of Delhi, India live in areas considered slums.

2 years ago the government moved these people from their slum into temporary housing while they built these people new governmental housing. The government had the best of intentions but the project has run late and behind. This temporary housing is rows of 25 single room apts that have power and running water. Each row has 2 bathrooms on the end.

There are around 2500 families living in this temporary housing project. They allowed us into their world a few days ago. They were warm and welcoming. None seemed unhappy, they were frustrated with the situation, but its a tight-knit proud community that sticks together.

Here are some of the people we met. [1/2]