Holly Hollis Stars

My friend Holly Hollis Stars passed away this morning after a long battle with cancer. Saying she fought hard is doing her a disservice.. She fought like no one i have ever seen. She fought with a purpose, strength, and with passion. This battle with cancer brought out the best in her. She took on a duty to inspire and bring people together. Anyone that knew Holly.. Wouldnt describe her as "sweet".. She wasnt exactly sweet.. Even before cancer Holly was fierce.. strong.. determined.. loyal.. and just a shining force.. She loved the world around her and the people around her.

Cancer brought out all those qualities even more. She took on a purpose and a mission to push and inspire all around her to do better.. to be better.. to do more.. She brought together a truly awe inspiring group of people to not only support her, but support each other. Her and her amazing husband Mark Stars showed us all what true love and devotion is. She and her husband touched everyone around them. We all grew to be better people because of them. She left us all with a pretty strong mission and example to make this world a better place in our own way. She gave us the tools to do just that by building this community and family of people. Allowing us to be a part of her world, we got to not only see her fight.. but be a part of that fight with her. We have all grown stronger and become better people because of her. She is part of all of us now.

Thank you Holly Hollis Stars for 15 yrs of stubborn, sassy, ridiculous moments, memories, and life lessons. I will cherish you and how you stormed into my life for a lifetime.